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It is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and covers real learner errors. Our revision of Cambridge English: First is now complete and the updated exam will start being used for exam sessions in January 2015.
Если Вы не согласны с изложенным выше, то просьба покинуть этот сайт. This grammar reference and practice self-study pack will appeal to students at intermediate and upper-intermediate level. It includes useful tips on how to approach exam tasks and learn vocabulary. A with answers edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. Смотрите также - See Also: , , , Ставьте лайки, рассказывайте друзьям, ищите нас в сетях: Like and Repost, please. Można również usunąć pliki cookies, dokonując odpowiednich zmian w ustawieniach przeglądarki internetowej. Большое разнообразие текстов и записей на темы, интересные студентам, увеличивают уровень мотивации.
Contains four complete tests for the First Certificate exam from Cambridge ESOL. This popular First Certificate course has been updated to prepare students for the new examination syllabus to be introduced from December 2008. Format: pdf Size: 24 Mb View, download: Audio CD.
Objective First Certificate Workbook with answers - Annette Capel However, at the moment and we don't possess any info on your performer Annette Capel.
Cambridge English: First, также известный как First Certificate in English FCE , является квалификацией, проверяющей владение английским языком на уровне выше среднего. Сертификат свидетельствует о том, что Вы умеете общаться на английском языке в письменной и устной форме в повседневных ситуациях на работе или учебе. Cambridge English: First, also known as the First Certificate in English FCE , is an English language examination provided by Cambridge English Language Assessment previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. It is an upper-intermediate, international English language qualification that focuses on Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It provides students with practice of exam tasks from the Reading, Writing, Listening and Use of English papers. It includes useful tips on how to approach exam tasks and learn vocabulary. It is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and covers real learner errors. It is designed to match the updated exam for December 2008. First Certificate Avenues, the motivating new FCE course, has been completely revised to meet the requirements of the new December 1996 syllabus. While retaining its engaging topics and its strengths in the areas of grammar, vocabulary and the skills of speaking and writing, this revised edition has been completely updated. There is thorough coverage of all the skills and techniques that students need to face the five papers of the revised exam with confidence. Each unit contains information about and practice in the various exam task types, while new test exercises at the end of each unit reflect the type of exercises found in Paper 3 of the 1996 syllabus. The Workbook available in with-key and without-key editions and the Workbook Cassette offer the student further practice in the skills and language work presented in the Student's Book. Хороший и удобный курс подготовки к экзамену First Certificate in English первый сертификат. Также может быть полезен или просто интересен для учеников с upper-intermediate or advanced как целенаправленная практика. Objective First Certificate is a user-friendly course, designed to guide students towards success at the Cambridge First Certificate Examination through its unique organisation and approach. This popular First Certificate course has been updated to prepare students for the new examination syllabus to be introduced from December 2008. A clear organisation and fresh approach have already made it a popular route to success at FCE in many countries throughout the world: thirty short units provide thorough training in exam skills, solid language development, and lively class discussion. A wide variety of texts and recordings on stimulating topics engage learners' interest. The course is written by experienced authors who have an in-depth knowledge of the FCE exam, and understand the needs of both students and teachers alike. Данный популярный учебный курс завоевал популярность во многих странах мира: 30 небольших юнитов позволяют отточить навыки, необходимые для экзамена, значительно увеличить словарный запас, а также научиться вести диалог. Большое разнообразие текстов и записей на темы, интересные студентам, увеличивают уровень мотивации. This grammar reference and practice self-study pack will appeal to students at intermediate and upper-intermediate level. It will be of particular value to those preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate examination. Students first listen to the grammar in context and are then encouraged to analyse the language themselves before looking at the rules and practising what they have learnt. As well as offering comprehensive reference and tightly focused practice exercises, it includes the full range of FCE exam tasks - not only from the Use of English paper, but also from the Reading, Writing and Listening papers. It is available in with and without answers editions. This CD-ROM incorporates a word processing package with structured writing tasks, providing a versatile way to prepare for the different types of writing activity in the FCE exam. FCE Creative Writing CD - программа для готовящихся сдавать международный экзамен FCE. При помощи этого диска вы сможете потренироваться в одном из аспектов этого экзамена - письме. Complete First Certificate is a new course for the 2008 revised FCE exam. Informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus and providing a complete FCE exam paper specially prepared for publication by Cambridge ESOL, it is the most authentic exam preparation course available. Complete First Certificate combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face. There are exercises to help students avoid repeating the typical mistakes that real FCE candidates make, as revealed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus. This topic-based course covers every part of the FCE exam in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. In addition, the accompanying free CD-ROM enables students to focus on their own particular areas of difficulty and work at their own pace. There is a Student's Book with answers and CD-ROM edition so students can study on their own or in class. Complete First provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First FCE exam. It combines the very best in contemporary classroom practice with first-hand knowledge of the challenges students face. This course provides comprehensive language development integrated with exam-task familiarisation. There are exercises to help students avoid repeating the typical mistakes that real exam candidates make, as revealed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus. This topic-based course covers every part of Cambridge English: First in detail, ensuring that students are fully equipped to tackle each part of every paper. Exam information and Exam advice is offered throughout, culminating in Exam round-up sections which check that candidates know how to approach each paper. The accompanying CD-ROM enables students to focus on their own particular areas of difficulty and work at their own pace. December 2008 Book + Audio. The First Certificate in English is at Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment published by the Council of Europe. It has also been accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in the UK as a Level 1 ESOL certificate in the National Qualifications Framework. FCE is an exam for people who can use everyday written and spoken English at an upper-intermediate level. It is an ideal exam for people who want to use English for work or study purposes. Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of past papers from Cambridge ESOL. These official papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the updated content and format of the FCE examination, to be introduced from December 2008. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview. Contains four complete tests for the updated First Certificate FCE examination from Cambridge ESOL to be introduced in December 2008. These official papers from Cambridge ESOL provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the updated content and format of the FCE examination, to be introduced in December 2008. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview Paper 5. This 'with answers' edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview. A with answers edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. An Audio CD set containing the recorded material for the aural component of the exam Paper 4 is also available. This book contains four practice tests which are very similar to the exam. You can use them to help you prepare for FCE. It provides candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the FCE examination and to practise examination techniques, using actual papers. Visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired Speaking test. Contains four complete tests for the First Certificate exam from Cambridge ESOL. These past examination papers provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content of the exam and to practise exam techniques. Colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test. The Student's Book is also available as a 'with answers' edition, suitable for self study. This is followed by a planning section which introduces students to one of a variety of planning techniques which they are encouraged to experiment with throughout the course. Two skills development sections follow, providing practice in language and writing skills that students will find useful in performing the writing task. A further planning section gives students the opportunity to put into practice the technique learnt earlier in the unit. This second section can be done in class or, if time is short, for homework along with the exam task. It can also, however, be used as a general grammar and usage workbook for students at this level. It aims to combine both general communicative grammar work with exam training; to serve students as a valuable grammar reference resource and, through its task-based approach, to improve students' grammar learning strategies. The features of this volume include: recorded interviews with real First Certificate candidates to develop speaking skills; grammar focus; and seven complete Paper 5 speaking practice exams and four complete Paper 4 listening practice exams, conforming to UCLES specifications. We review and update all of our exams regularly to ensure they meet the needs of teachers and learners and reflect the latest research into language learning and assessment. Our revision of Cambridge English: First is now complete and the updated exam will start being used for exam sessions in January 2015. On this page you will find the updated exam specifications and sample papers to download. Later we will add a practice test, a Handbook for Teachers and other materials to help you prepare students for the updated exam, so check this page regularly for the latest information. A comprehensive teacher resource pack from Cambridge ESOL to help teachers who are preparing students to take the Cambridge English: First FCE Speaking test. The syllabus for the Cambridge English: First FCE exam has changed, and this product is no longer suitable preparation material. New Cambridge English products are available to suit the requirements of the new syllabus. The Official Top Tips for FCE gives you essential advice for each part of each of the five FCE papers. It is written by examiners with many years' experience of setting and marking the FCE exam and includes clear examples and explanations to show you exactly what each tip means, general tips for each paper and sections on how to revise and what to do on the day of the exam. The CD-ROM contains a complete, authentic FCE exam paper so that you know what to expect when you take the exam. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. Based on the analysis of thousands of actual exam scripts in the Learner Corpus, each unit focuses on a key problem area. Clear explanations and varied FCE-style exercises help learners to use the language accurately. Regular tests offer learners a further opportunity to check and consolidate what they have learnt. Смотрите также - See Also: , , , Ставьте лайки, рассказывайте друзьям, ищите нас в сетях: Like and Repost, please. Find Me in Social Networks:.
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