Решебник access 1 workbook
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Say how much they cost. Ss open their books. Ask students to listen to the recording and repeat chorally or individuatty.
About 375 mittion peopte speak Engtish as a native language and about 375 mittion speak Engtish as a second language. Современный четырехуровневый курс английского языка для учащихся 5-8-х классов, начинающих изучать английский язык в. Ask questions to check understanding. He is on the 2nd floor. Challenges 2 workbook ответы, challenges 2 workbook ответы, гдз степанова 10 класс, чертов решения задач по физике, решебник безвозмездно скачать. A: It's f rom Spain.
Уровни сложности: 1 A1 , 2 A2 , 3 B1 , B1+, В2, В2+; Формат: 2. They are from Britain, Portugal, China, Germany and Chile. Выберете из списка нужный номер задания.
Access 1 Workbook - B: lt's a ruler. Then write it on the board.
Possessive adjectives o Prepositions of ptace. Present Simpte r Prepositions of time at, on, in o Linkers and, but o Adverbs of Frequency. Days of the week. Parts of the body. Present Continuous future meaning Word List pp. Ptaces to go ,. Itstuffed animals o Houses in Engtand o A new flat o My bedroom o My secret diary o Steven Gerrard. Teen's favourite: Shakira e Amazing Creatures o Animats on ice o A duster or a budgie? Internet Research o How to stay safe at the beach! Famous British Peopte o The Incas History o Thanksgiving o Danger! Keep out PSHE o Leicester Square o Road signs Citizenship beauti by coach! I a l : - I Setf CheckAnswer Key pp. Access devetops all four skitts listening, speaking, reading and writing through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recyctes key language items. The coursebook consists of a starter unit as wetl as ten modutes of six tessons each. There is atso a setf check section at the end of each module. Student's Book The Student's Book is the main component of the course. Each modute is based on a single theme and the topics covered are of general interest. Grammar Book The Grammar Book contains detailed theory boxes, graded exercises for students to further practise the grammar structures presented in the course and revision exercises at the end of each modute to provide students with further practice of the material presented to them. Class Audio CDs The Ctass Audio CDs contain att the recorded material which accompanies the course. Student's Audio CD The Student's Audio CD contains the recorded dialogues in the Student's Book, as well as atl transcripts for the Workbook and may be used for the purposes of homework, preparation and practice. The modute presentation pages atso whet students' appetites by famitiarising them with some of the text types, pictures and activities found in the coming module. Eticit what Unit 1a is about School. To understand timetabtes and be abte to ask and answer Where? Answer Key Where's the English lesson? Where's the Science lesson? Where's the History lesson? Where's the Art lesson? Where's the Music lesson? Where's the IT lesson? Where's the PE lesson? To learn the days of the week and practise pronunciation o Do the listening exercise and ask Ss to listen and repeat, either choratly or individually. Atternativety, say days of the week in the correct order. Stop and ask Ss to say the day that fotlows. Answer Key 2 A: What's this in English? B: lt's a notepad. B: lt's an eroser. B: lt's a ruler. B: lt's a pencil. B: lt's an atlas. B: lt's a bog. Eticit that this is a noticeboard. Eticit where Ss could see it. Answer Key School subjects: History, English, Geography, tlaths ond PE Days of the week: lvlonday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Fridoy b To read for specific information o Do question 1 with Ss. Altow Ss some time to answer the questions. Answer Key 1 No. The History class is in Room D. Answer Key 1 a pencil 3 an atlas 5 an eraser 2 aruler 4 anotebook 6 apen To learn objects we use at schoot o Read out the school objects. Ask Ss to repeat choratty or individuatty. When does your first lesson startT What time do you have your first break? How long does it lost? Encourage Ss to use coloured paper, stickers, etc, to make their piece of writing more attractive. Suggested Answer Key Timetable 8:30 - 9:15 llvlaths D 9:20 - 10:05 lttaths D 10:10 - 10:55 lHistory A 11:00 - 11:30 l lT B 11:35-12:201 Breok 12:25 - 1:10 lEnglish C 1:15 - 1:45 tunch Break 1:50 - 2:35 lScience E 2:40 - 3:25 IPE F Ask Ss to spett each of the words in Ex. Eticit what 'first day' refers to first day at school. Ask Ss to tell you what kind of relationship Bob and Susan have. Answer Key Bob and Susan ore strangers. Suggested approach T: Do they know each other? T: How doyou know? To hetp 5s, draw the fotlowing diagram on the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing the task. Suggested Answer Key Student A Student B Greeting. Setect pairs to act out their diatogues in front of the class. Suggested Answer Key A: Hello! A: Nice to meet you, Jenny. B: Nice to meet you, too. Play the recording and ask Ss to read as they listen. Answer Key The two boys are at school. No, they are not friends. Ask Ss to correct the false statements. Answer Key F The Science lesson is in Room D. T T F They are in the same class. Present the subject pr0nouns. Then write it on the board. Then write it on the board. Then write it on the board. Exptain that we use he for a DOy Or a man. Then write it on the board. Explain that we use she for a gir l or a woman. Then write it on the board. Exptain that we use it for objects. Then write it on the board. Then write it on the board. Then write it on the board. Say, then write on the board: I am a teacher. Exptain that me is an object pronoun. Present the other persons in the same way. It 's a desk. Point out that subject pronouns go before the verb, whereas object pronouns go after the verb. Answer Key 1 She 2 them, They 3 they 4We 10 T 5 him, He 4 a Gh To learn the verb 'to be' o Ss ctose their books. Present the contracted form of the present simpte affirmative of the verb 'to be'. Say, then write on the board: l'm Helen. Then write it on the board. Then write it on the board. Point to a female 5. Then write it on the board. Continue with the rest. Then, present the contracted form of the present simpte negative of the verbs 'to be'. Do the same to oresent atl persons in singular and plural. Finatty, present the interrogative form of the verb 'to be'. Say, then write on the board: Am I a teacher? Explain that we form the interrogative form of the verb 'to be' by putting the verb before the subject pronoun. Exptain that this is a positive short answer. Explain that we form positive short answers with yes, the appropriate personal pronoun. Explain that we form a negative short answer with no, the appropriate personal pronoun and the verb in the negative. Ss open their books and read the box. Answer Key Where is, lt's, Are you, I am, lvly name's, That's, It's, are you, I'm, Are you, I am b ffi To practise the affirmative form of the verb 'to be'. Ask Ss to comptete the exercise. Answer Key 1's2'm3're4's5're To practise the negative form of the verb 'to be' o Ask a 5 to read the example. Ss do the exercise. Answer Key 2 l'm not 13 years old. Answer Key 1 Are, they are 3 ls, it is 5 ls, he isn't 2 Are, I'm not 4 Are, we aren't 7 ffi To practise asking questions and giving short answers o Ask Ss to look at the two photos and the names of the people and their ages. Answer Key A: ls Mark 14? B: No, she isn't. B: No, she isn't. B: A: Is Mary 20? A: B: No, she isn't. A: ls Rita 11? He's 16, ls Jill 1 1? Answer Key 2 ls it an eraser 3 Are you twelve 4 Are they pencils 5 Are you in Year 7 a ffi To practise speaking about yoursetf o Ask Ss to look at the questions. These transtations should be equivatent questions in their own language rather than direct translations. Ss' own onswers Practise language and grammar presented in this unit o Explain the task. Atlow some time for Ss to comptete the task in ctass. Atternatively, you can assign it for HW. Suggested Answer Key l'm Fiona. My favourite subject is History. G R: Unit 2, Unit 3 10 3 Gftm To practise capitat letters in Engtish o Ask 5s to do the exercise. Answer Key 1 Ann is 12. She's in my class. I t - It Warm up Activity Read the titte. Elicit where we could see this sentence ln a letter, email, a postcard etc. Answer Key It is an email. I 12 years old 2 l4erton Secondary School 3 English and History 4 Enrique lglesias leornino,ffiq. Write this sentence on the board: Ann is a student. Undertine the words Ann and is. Ask Ss to say which of the two words is a verb is. Exptain that Ann is the subject because she's the person who does the action the verb describes. Ask: Where do we use the subject, before or ofter a verb? Go through the Learning to learn box with Ss. Answer Key 1 Ann is 12 years old. IeorninoEleorn Go through the Learning to learn box showing Ss the various uses of capital letters in Engtish and drawing attention to any differences to Ss' own language. Ss can give examples of their own. Extra task: Ask Ss to find and underline examples in the text in Ex. Nora and Phil are from England. The Art class is in Room D on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gftm To practise answering questions about yourself o Ask 5s to look at the text in Ex. Watk around the class and monitor Ss' answers. Suggested Answer Key 1 lvly name's Sandra. Gftm To write an email to a pen pal o Exptain to 5s what a pen pal is. As their address, they can use: their name yahoo. Ss can do this task in class or atternatively, you can assign it for HW. Suggested Answer Key From: Sandra To: Patricia Subject: Hi! My favourite school subjects are IT and PE. My favourite singer is Robbie Williams. Sandra Wells Phoiocopy the following or write it on the board. Ask 5s to complete the missing words from the text. From: John Smith To: Satty yahoo. I have a dog. John Smith 3 4 12 T TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: lr{odule 1 Game p. Answer Key The diagram is about the education system in England and how old students are ot each level. Gftm To tatk about peopte and types of schoots o Ask Ss to look at Laura and ask them questions. T: What's her name? T: How old is she? T: What school level is she at? Answer Key Jim is 19 years old. Fiona is 13 years old. She's at secondary school. Tim is 9 years old. He's at primary school. What age do students in your country start school? What is the first level called? When do Ss leaveT o Put Ss in groups and ask them to make a simitar diagram about the education system in their country. Suggested Answer Key Primary school 6-12 years old Junior High School 12-14 years old Senior High School 15-18 years old U nive rsi ty I Higher Educati on 18+ years old The educotion system in my country is different from the English system. It does not have a sixth form but three years of junior high school and three years of senior high school. TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 1 Pairwork Activities pp. Ask Ss to look at the drawings and elicit what greetings are words we say when we meet someone. Ss' own answers On the board write different times of the day and ask Ss to tell you which greeting to use at the different times. T: At 10:30 am what do we say? S1: Good morning, T: At 4:00 pm what do we say? T: At 7:00 pm what do we say? T: When you go to bed what do you say? A: two friends talking, B: a mum kissing her children goodbye and going to work. Ss listen and match the dialogues to the pictures. Answer Key A Jane and Poul are friends. B Liz and Mrs Brown are relatives. To practise greetings through rote-play o Ask Ss to imagine they see a friend at the park. To help Ss, draw the following diagram on the board and eticit appropriate phrases Ss shoutd use. Write them on the board, too. Ss can copy the diagram into their notebooks and use it as a reference white doing the task. Student A Greet B Good morning B. Student A Soy goodbye to B. Student B Greet A Hello B. Ask about A l'm fine,... Say goodbye to A. Student B ' Say goodbye to A. Suggested Answer Key o A: Good morning, Ann. A: How are you? B: I'm fine, thanks. Ask students to listen to the recording and repeat chorally or individuatty. Suggested Answer Key letl: eroser, strange, day, Spain lal : notepad, can, diagram, Ann TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 1 p. Citizenship education gives chitdren and young people the knowtedge, understanding and skitts to ptay an active part in society as citizens who are sociatty and moratty responsible. Suggested Answer Key I like working in pairs. To read and listen for gist o Ask Ss to look at the titte of the poster and the pictures. Invite them to tett you what the titte means and what they think the poster is about. Ss listen, read and check their answers. Answer Key The poster is about how we should behave when we work in pairs or groups at school. To devetop vocabulary o Explain the task. Answer Key 2 share 3 say 4 look 5 listen To memorise information o Ask Ss to read the rutes in the poster again and then close their books. Suggested Answer Key Look at your partner. Think up new ideas. Be kind and smile. Revision Units 1-3 p. Ask Ss to check their answers against the key on p. Then 5s read the Now I can section and evaluate themsetves. GZ Ptay in teams. Say a word from the modute. The other team writes the word on the board and spells it. Each correct answer gets a point. The team with the most points is the winner. T: Say words related to school objects Team ASl: notebook Team BSl: N-O-T-E-B-double O-K etc 16 T My favourites! Suggested Answer Key The title refers to the things llike, such as my favourite cartoon choracters and my personal things. We will also learn about countries and nationalities. Suggested Answer Key Focus 5s' attention on pic. T: What page is pic. T: What can you see in pic. S2: Asterix, a cartoon choracter. T: What else con you see on p. T: Whot poge is pic. What else can you see on that poge? T: What page is pic. What can you see in the picture? Whot else can you see? How are they related to the title of the unit? Do you hove similar objects? Find the page numbers for... Ask questions to check understanding. Answer Key An article about UK souvenirs p. What does UK stand for? Have you been there? What are some souvenirs from your country? What is this film about? Do you think it will be a positive or negative review? Would you like to see this film? Vocabulary o Ptay the recording. Elicit what Unit 2a is about Cartoon characters. Eticit information about Spider-Man. T: Have you seen the film? What is Spider- Man's real name? What do you know about him? Who is his enemy? Alternativety, ptay the recording. Ss listen, check and answer the questions. Answer Key Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Aunt lvlay is Peter Parker's aunt. Mary Jane is Peter Parker's best friend. The Green Goblin is Spider-Man's enemy. It is o review. Answer Key 1 He's from New York City. Gftm To consotidate new vocabulary througn transtation o Ask Ss to read the sentences and transtate them into their language. Point out that these transtations should be equivalent statements in their own language rather than direct translations. Ss' own answers 4 Gftm To learn adjectives retated to appearance o Ask Ss to look at the Word List and find the words in bold. Alternatively, present the new words by miming. Eticit answers about the cartoon characters to aid understanding of the task. Go around the class. The Flintstones originalty appeared on TV from 1960 to 1966. Fred and Wilma Ftintstone and their friends Barney and Betty Rubble, live in the prehistoric city of Bedrock but ' deal with the problems of i contemporary times. In 1962 and I 1963, Pebbtes and Bamm-Bamm ', appeared as the daughter and adopted ' son of the Ftintstones and Rubbles respectively. Both Asterix and his ctumsy but good-hearted friend, Obelix, prevent Jutius Caesar from conquering their viltage. The fitm is based on Victor Hugo's lhe Hunchbock of Notre Dame. Quasimodo is the kind- hearted but deformed bettringer of Notre Dame. Ctaude Froto, their cruel Minister of Justice, hides Quasimodo in the belltower of the cathedrat. During the Festival of Foots Quasimodo decides to take part in the festivities where he meets the ' beautiful gypsy dancer, Esmeralda, and , the handsome soldier Phoebus. The ' three of them fight against Frotto's attempts to destroy the home of the gypsies, the Court of Miractes. He is the most famous of the Disney cartoon characters. Mickey Mouse starred in over 120 cartoons. Goofy is one of Mickey Mouse's best friends. Friendly but very ctumsy, this cartoon character first appeared in lvlickey's Revue 1932. His name was Dippy Dawg. In 1939, his name changed to Goofy with the retease of the cartoon Goofy and Wilbur. Goofy appeared in ' many cartoons with Mickey, Donatd, r Minnie, Pluto, Clarabetle Cow and Horace Horsecollar. Ss, in pairs, do the task. Answer Key 1 Has - Yes, he has. GftAn ro practise asking and answering questions about a person's appearance o Explain the task. Choose two 5s to read out the exampte. Suggested Answer Key A: Is she beautiful? B: Yes, she is. A: Has she got black hair? B: Yes, she has. Suggested Answer Key Ihis is Popeye the sailor man. He's from the USA. He's tall and thin. He's got small ears, a big nose and big feet. In pairs ask Ss to write 5 sentences about their partner using the adjectives in Ex. Suggested Answer Key John hos got blue eyes. He has got short hair. He has got a small nose. He has got big ears. Present the verb 'have got'. Point to your eyes and say: I have got blue eyes. Then write it on the board. Repeat the same to present the rest of the affirmative forms. S1: Mary has got long hair. I haven't got a big nose. Write the negative form on the board and undertine haven't got. Point to a 5 and ask: Hos Tim got small ears? Ask: Has Tim got big ears? Exptain that the tast two sentences are short answers. Eticit from Ss how short answers are formed. Read out the tabte. Ask Ss to look again at the cartoon characters at the top of p. T: Can you tell me something Mickey lvlouse has got? T: What about Fred Flintstone? Answer Key Peter hasn't got many friends. Now he's got special powers! He's got an enemy. Gftm To practise the affirmative form of the verb 'have got' o Give Ss some time to do the task. Eticit what 'things' somebody might have and what Unit 2b is about personal possessions e. Explain to Ss that there are words in English that sound similar and mean the same in Ss' L1. This witt hetp Ss remember them. Ss listen and repeat. Ss' own answers 2 a Gtm To tisten or read for gist o Exptain the task. Ss listen, check and find the answer. Answer Key Amy's present is a digital camera. To hetp 5s, draw the fottowing diagram on the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss shoutd use. Write them on the board. Ss can refer to the diagram white doing the task. Student B Greet A. Ask if A has got a new... Suggested Answer Key A: Hi, Steve! Is thisyour new skateboard? A: Yes, i t is. In pairs Ss read the dialogue. Choose a pair of Ss to act out the diatogue in front of the class. They can use a dictionary to find words they do not know. Suggested Answer Key I've got a cap and a scarf. My cap is brown and my scarf is green. Choose a word and draw as many btanks as needed representing the letters of the word. The team guess letters one at a time. The team with the most points is the winner. Point out that onty five of the birthday presents match the peopte 1-5. Ss listen and complete the task. Play the recording twice if necessary. Answer Key IG 28 3E 4D 5A 6 Gftm To form pturats Exptain that when we talk about more than one thing we usuatty add -s to the noun. Ss close their book. Read out nouns in the singular. Ss say the retevant ptural form. Alternatively, Ss write their answers on the board. T: one box 51: two boxes T: one knife 52 two knives one mQn two men o Explain the task, then attow Ss two minutes to do the exercise. Check Ss'answers on the board. Point to a book far away from you and say: That is a book, foo. Then write it on the board. Present the ptural forms in the same way. Ask questions to check 5s' understanding: What do we use for things near us? What do we use for things far away from us? As an extension, point to various things in the classroom. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. T: points to the board, standing next to it Team A Sl : This is a board. Team B 52: Thot is a window. Read out the table. Ask a S to read the exampte. Present thislthese ' thatlthose. Point to a book close to you and say: Ihis is o book. Then write it on the o Work together with a S to demonstrate the exampte. Ask several pairs of Ss to perform the task for the class. Suggested Answer Key A: points to the desk near you B: This is o desk. Alternativety, assign it for HW. Suggested Answer Key trainers, a skateboard, jeans, a digital camero TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 2 p. Eticit what Unit 2c is about Collections. Write the country and nationatity on the board. Ss match the countries to the nationatities. Check Ss' answers on the board. Answer Key 7g Suggested Answer Key I'm Spanish. Gftm To practise asking and answering questions about the origin of things i. Ask a pair of Ss to read the exampte. In pairs Ss do the task. Watk around and monitor Ss. Ask different pairs of Ss to ask and answer about the various objects. Answer Key A: What's this? B: lt's a mask, A: Where is it from? B: lt's f rom Japan. B: lt's a lvlatryoshka. A: Where is it from? B: lt's f rom Russia. B: lt's a fan. A: Where is it from? A: It's f rom Spain. Focus 5s' attention on the titte and ask them to read it out aloud. Eticit what the symbot stands for. Ss repeat the words after you. Ask Ss to tell you where they think the text is from. Eticit what type of information is missing. Exptain any unknown vocabutary. Answer Key 1 eleven 2 Australia 3 twenty-two a o lc 3e 5d 2a 4b 6f tenrninsdidoi'rr' Go through the Learning to learn box together with the ctass. Ask Ss to find examples in the text in Ex. Eticit discussion about why each type is used in the text. T: Why is there a full stop after Ann in the first sentence? T: Why is there an exclamation mark after collection in the second sentence. T: Why is there a comma between the countries? Answer Key 1 full stop 2 question mark 4 Chino, Fronce, Australia, Canada and Spain 3 comma 4 exclamation mark t L -- a o o o - o o o o 4 Gftm To write an email about your collection o Exptain the task. Make sure Ss understand that they can use the text in Ex. Alternatively, assign the task for HW. Suggested Answer Key Hi! They are from Britain, Portugal, China, Germany and Chile. I like stamps because they show interesting pictures. What about youT What's your favourite hobby? Write the fottowing on the board. Ss copy it on their notebook and comptete the sentences. TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 2 Ex. Suggested Answer Key I thlnk the text is about holidays in the UK and what souvenirs I can buy while l'm there on holidays. Answer Key le 2d 3b 4a 5c 2 Gftm To practise speaking skitts o Before ptaying the recording ask Ss to telt you where the souvenirs are from by looking at the map. T: Where is the scarf from? The scarf is Scottish. T: Where is the stuffed toy from? The stuffed toy is Scottish. T: Where are the toy buses from? The toy buses are English. Answer Key ln the UK, you can buy lots of souvenirs. In Englond, you can buy pins and toy buses. Gftm To make a presentation about souvenirs from your country o Exptain the task. Brainstorm for ideas and write them on the board. Suggested Answer Key a t - L J Ihese are flamenco CDs. Flamenco is popular in Spain. Go into a CD shop and ask the assrsfant to help you choose some of the best flamenco CDs. I I J 4 -- J J J J J J --- -- -1 --- -- -1 -1 -a I --a 3 Gftm To act out a diatogue o Explain the situation. Assign a different souvenir to each pair. To help Ss, draw the following diagram on the board and eticit appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing the task. Warm up Activity Ask 5s to look at the titte and the pictures and eticit what Unit 2e is about shopping. Focus Ss'attention on stressed syttabtes. Answer key 1 shop assistant 4 2 customer 5 3 shopassistonf 6 a Gftm To read for specific information o Attow 5s time to read the dialogue again and find the answer. Answer Key Itlarta is buying 2. Student A show it to B. How about Student B much it is. That's a good idea. Say how much they cost. Suggested Answer key A: Good morning. How can I help you? A: How about thisT-shirt? B: That's a good idea. How much is it? B: Can I have two, please? B: Here you are. Point out that these transtations shoutd be equivalent statements in their own language rather than direct translations. Ss listen and repeat. About 375 mittion peopte speak Engtish as a native language and about 375 mittion speak Engtish as a second language. Demand from the other 3 quarters is increasing. Point out that it is easier to remember a place by finding it on a map. Answer Key 2 A: WhereisTomfrom? B: He's from Australia. A: What is the capital of Austrolia? A: What nationality is he? Ask a pair of Ss to read out the exchanges. In pairs Ss act out similar exchanges using the prompts given. Walk around and monitor the ctass. Ask each pair to act out their dialogues in front of the class. Answer Key Ottawa is in North America. Washington DC is in North Americo. Canberra is in Austrolia. Note: New Zealand and Australia are part of the wider region known as Austratasia. Then write: I Spain A Madrid B Ask Ss to use this as an prepare their quizzes. Big Ben, etc Suggested Answer Key TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 2 Portfolio Activities p. Altow some time for 5s to look at the map again. Ask different Ss to tell you simitar sentences, matching the cities to the countries. Answer Key Washington DC is the capital of the USA. Canberra is the capitol of Australia. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Ottawo is the capital of Canada. Ask Ss to check their answers against the key on p. Then Ss read the Now I can section and evaluate themsetves. TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 2 Test 2 pp. Draw Ss attention to the titte of the module l4y home, my castle. Exptain that this is an Engtish proverb which means that the Engtish people consider their house to be very special and elicit what the modute is about. Ask Ss to look at pictures 1 -3 and encourage discussion to prompt their interest in the modute. Ask questions to stimulate discussion about the tooics that witt be covered in this modute. Suggested Answer Key Focus 5s' attention on pic. What page is pic. What can you see in pic. The inside of a house. Which house do you think is the same as pic. What is this building called? Which country do you think it is in? Do you have buildings like this in your country? What page is pic. What else can you see on p. Where do you live? Find the page numbers for... Answer Key An advert for a villa p. What information do you see in adverts? Where can you see them? Do you know any ghost storiesT Vocabulary Ptay the recording. Ss listen and repeat choratty or individuatly. Ask questions to check understanding. Eticit what Unit 3a is about. Exptain to Ss that it is not just the words in a text that hetp you understand what it is about but also. Eticit answers about what the article is about. Answer Key The article is about different types of houses in England. Ss listen and read and comptete the task. Ask individual Ss for answers and eticit discussion. Ss listen and repeat choralty. Ptay twice if necessary pausing at each number for Ss to listen and repeat. In pairs Ss take turns spetting the ordinal numbers. One spelts white the other checks. Watk around ctass and monitor Ss' pronunciation. Read the Learning to learn box with the ctass. Explain to Ss that both affirmative and negative sentences begin with the subject. Point to the board and say: There is a board in the classroom. Write it on the board. Say: There isn't a computer in the classroom. Write it on the board. Ask Ss: ls there a window in the classroom? Write it on the board. Say: There are eight desks in the classroom. There aren't f lowers in the classroom. Are there computers in the classroom? Then, write these sentences on the board. Ss open their books. Read out the tabte. Give Ss some time to comptete the rules. Ask Ss to look at the text on p. Ask a S to read the example. Refer Ss to the table in Ex. Altow some time for Ss to write the sentences in their notebooks. Ask different Ss to come to the board and write their sentences. Check Ss' answers on the board. Rosat house has got three bedrooms upstairs. Ask Ss to look again at p. Ask Ss to try to use affirmative and negative sentences. There is a garden. There isn't a garage. Text A: There are no houses... There is a living... Text B: There are two... There are lovely flowers... Answer Key It's got three bedrooms upstairs. It's got one living room downstairs. It's got one small kitchen downstairs. It's got two bathrooms upstairs. It hasn't got a garden. It hasn't got a garage. Gftm To consotidate vocabutary and grammar used in this unit Suggested Answer Key There are beautiful cottages in the countryside. There are terraced houses in England. There are lots of blockof flats. There is a big living room. There isn't a garden. GRAlvtlvlAR: Unit 7 2 Gftm To tisten and read for specific information Answer Key Which text is pic. How do you know? There ore no houses next to it. What else does the text say about the house? It has a garage. Which text is pic. E How do you know? What else does the text say about this house? D How do you know? C How do you know? B How do you know? He is on the 8th floor. They are on the 6th floor. Which floor is Linda on? She is on the 4th floor. Which floor is Steve on? He is on the 2nd floor. They are on the 7th floor. Which floor is Billy on? He is on the 5th floor. They are on the lst floor. T: S1: T: 52: T: 53: T: 29 r ll. Eticit its meaning we ask this question in order for someone to describe sth to us. Ss listen and repeat choratty or individually. Ask different Ss to look at the picture and point to the objects. Write the word house on the board. Invite Ss to tetl you different types of houses learnt in Unit 3a and list them under the heading. Answer Key Bedroom: bed, desk, wardrobe Bathroom: washbasin, toi let, towel Living room: sofa, armchair, coffee table Kitchen: sink, fridge 3 GftAO ro consolidate vocabutary and revise there is, there are o Ask Ss to look at the picture of the house, its furniture and apptiances. Suggested Answer Key A: Whot is there in the bedroom? B: There's a window, a bed, a desk, a lamp and o bookcase. There ore books in the bedroom. What is there in the bathroom? There's a washbasin, a toilet and a towel. What is there in the living room? There is o window, a sofa, an armchair and a coffee table. There are paintings and cushions in the living room. What is there in the kitchen? There's o cooker, o fridge, a sink and a table. There are cupboards and two chairs in the kitchen. One team says a letter from the Engtish alphabet. Any correct answer gets 1 point. The team with the most points wins. Team AS1: P TeamBSl: pillow A: 8: A: B: A: B: - ta - - 7 - J I J J - J J J 30 T 4 Gh To read for specific information o Exptain the situation, then ask Ss to read the questions. Ss do the task. Answer Key 1 There are four rooms in the flat. Show Ss a bag with many books in it. Say out loud and write on the board: There are some books in the bag. Show Ss the empty bag. Ask Ss: T: Are there any book in the bag? There aren't orry books in the bag. Altow Ss time to comotete the rutes and check Ss' answers. Answer Key 1 any 2 any 3 any 4 some - F T: point to a male S 51: Ihis is his notebook. T: point to a female S 52: Ihis is her notebook. Answer Key 1 their 3 our 5 his 2 her 4 your 6 my Gfrm To tisten for specific information and to distinguish between text types r Allow some time for 5s to read through the advert and predict the type of information that is missing. Tett Ss that the information they are looking for may be a word or a number. Ss listen and filt in the gaps. An email starts with Dear etc... Answer Key 15 2 bathrooms 3 15 5 Pedro 4 garden The text is an advert. Gftnn ro practise vocabutary and grammar presented in this unit o Ask Ss to look at the diagram on p. Suggested Answer Key There are two bedrooms in my house. There is a big living room, a kitchen and a bathroom, There is a bed, a desk and a wardrobe in each bedroom. There is a sofa ond a coffee table in the living room. There are also two armchairs and some paintings. There is a cooker, a sink, o fridge and a table with four chairs in the kitchen, There is a washbasin and a toilet in the bathroom. There is also a mat and some towels. TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 3 p. I am a teacher. Then write it on the board. Say: Ihis is my pen. Then write it on the board. Undertine the word my. Explain that my is a possessive adjective, i. Point to a mate S. Say: You are Bill. Then write it on the board. Undertine the word You. Point to Bilt's pencit. Say: Ihis is your pencil. Then write it on the board. Undertine the word your. Present the rest of the possessive adjectives in the same way. Ss open their books and read out the tabte. Ss translate the possessive adjectives into their own language in order to check understanding. Write this sentence on the board: Ihis is my notebook. Point to various 5s. Ss should replace my with the appropriate possessive adjective. Warm up Activity Read out the titte and ask Ss to look at the picture on p. Eticit what Ss have got in their bedroom. Present prepositions of ptace using your book. Put your book on the desk, then ask and answer: Where's my book? It's on the desk. Put your book in your bag, then ask and answer: Where's my book? Present the rest of prepositions of place in the same way. Then put your book in various ptaces in the classroom and ask Ss to tetl you its location. Refer Ss to the drawings and the exampte and exptain the task. Answer Key The ball is on the box. The ball is under the box. The ball is behind the box. The ball is next to the box. The ball is in front of the box. The red boll is between the blue balls. Draw 5s' attention to the picture of Peter's bedroom and eticit what items Peter has got in his room. Write any unknown vocabulary on the board. Ss work in pairs to describe where the other items are in Peter's bedroom. Go around the class and monitor Ss. Suggested Answer Key A: Where are his trainers? B: They're under his bed. B: Where is the stereo? A: lt's in the bookcase. Walk around the class and monitor Ss. Suggested Answer Key A: Is there a TV in your room? B: Yes, there is. A: Where exactly is it? B: lt is in the bookcase. B: A: B: A: ls there a computer in your bedroom? Where exactly is it? It is on the desk. Ss tisten and read. Answer Key furniture, bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, bookcase, poster, computer, Iamp, books, CD player o Ask Ss to read the text again and eticit where the different items are. T: Where is Ann's bed? T: Where is Ann's desk? Explain to Ss that it does not matter how wetl they can draw, but to understand the layout of the bedroom. However, encourage Ss to make their drawings ctear and neat. Invite Ss to prepare their answers. Encourage them to use adjectives such as big, small, great, round etc. Suggested Answer Key lvly bedroom is great! It's very big and there is a lot of furniture in it. Everything is blue in my bedroom and I call it 'the blue room'. Behind the bed there are two windows. There is o wardrobe next to the bed. My desk is quite modern. There's a computer on it and l've got books in the bookcase next to my desk. There are also some pictures and a poster on the walls. There's e TV under the poster. I like my bedroom very much. Draw Ss' attention to the title of the text. Ask Ss if they know of any ghost stories. Edinburgh: capital city of Scottand. Cardiff: capital city of Wales. Dover: major channel port in the Engtish county of Kent. The ctiffs gave Britain its nickname 'Atbion' meaning white. Ask 5s to find pictures of various castles, stick them on a piece of paper and label them. Ss disptay their posters in the class. TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 3 p. Answer Key heavy doors opening and closing battle drums pipes strange noises Exptain any sounds they 2 Gftm To read for specific information o Allow Ss some time to read through the text on their own and find the answers. Answer Key Edinburgh Castle is in Edinburgh, Scotland. There is a ghost without a head. He plays the battle drum at night. There is also the ghost of the Tunnel Piper. He plays the pipes but you can't see him. Cardiff Castle is in Cardiff , Wales. Dover Castle is in Kent, England. There are two ghosts. One is o woman in a long red dress on the stairs and the other is a man in the king's bedroom. Gftm To find information about castles in your country and present it to the class o Exptain the task. Ask Ss if they know of any casttes in their country. Encourage each group member to find pictures and stick them on a poster to make their presentation more interesting. Encourage Ss to use the website provided. Suggested Answer Key Pena Palace is a beautiful castle in Costa de Lisboa, Portugol. St George's Costle is a big castle in Lisbon, Portugal. Eticit what the unit is about possibly people who have bought o new house or ore moving into a new house. Ptay the recording with pauses. Ss listen and repeat individuatty. Atlow some time for Ss to note which person says each sentence. Answer Key - son - father - father - son - father - son - son Ask Ss to read the sentences first and predict what they refer to. Ask Ss to read out the exampte. Ss read the diatogue on their own and comptete the task. I Make a comment. Student B - Reply. Agree and make another comment. Suggested Answer Key A: Which house is it? A: This is nice. The kitchen is big. Yes and the living room is huge. Which is my bedroom? B: A: B: A: - 4 J- 4 4 Answer Key 2 The bedroom 3 blue b Gftilil To reach a conctusion based on evioence o Ask 5s the question and elicit answers. Ask Ss to justify their choices. Answer Key House A because it has two floors. Key word: upstairs Explain the situation. Remind Ss that they can use the diatogue in Ex. Encourage them to try and be original and not just copy the dialogue. In pairs, Ss comptete the task. To hetp Ss, draw the foltowing diagram on the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing the task. Go around the ctass and monitor Ss. Ss tisten and repeat. Exptain to Ss that some buitdings can be considered a work of art because of their unusual design. Ask the Ss to tett you what they know about the Taj Mahat. Eticit answers and ask Ss to tell you what information they woutd like to know about the Taj Mahat and write it on the board. Where is it located? Whot is it made of? Whot colour is it? How many floors has it got? How many rooms has it got? Is there a garden? Ss listen, read and find the answers to their questions. Exptain any unknown vocabulary in the text. Ss can atso cottect information from encyclopaedias, textbooks, magazines etc. Suggested Answer Key The Great Wall of China is in Asia. The wall is made of earth, stones, bricks and wood. The wall has also got watch towers for storing weapons and for sending smoke 'signals. The Great Wall of China is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. Write the text in the Suggested Answer Key with gaps. Suggested list of words: Asia, stones, 5000, attractions in jumbled order TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 3 Game p. Iocotion, number, noun etc Ss read the text again and complete the sentences. Ask different Ss to read their answers. Answer Key 1 Agra,lndia 2 white marble and precious stones 316 4 minarets 5 four pools Gftm To consolidate and practise the vocabutary we use to describe buitdings o Ask Ss to look at the picture of the Taj Mahat again and describe it in their own words. Suggested Answer Key It is a large building with two floors and big windows. There are four minarets and o huge dome in the centre that looks like a boll. Outside there is a large garden and a pool. Ask 5s to check their answers against the key on p. Then Ss read the Now I can section and evaluate themsetves. GMlrtlrtAR: Revision Units 1-10 WORKBOOK: Access lrtagazine - Arts p. Draw 5s' attention to the titte of the module Strong fies and elicit the meaning of the phrase strong relationships. Ask Ss if there is an equivalent phrase in their language. Ask Ss to go through the module and check. Ask questions about topics that witt be covered in the module, adjusting the questions according to 5s' responses. Suggested Answer Key Focus Ss' attention on pic. T: Whot page is pic. S1: lt's from p. T: Whot can you see in pic. T: How mony members are there in this family? T: What about your family? T: What about pic. How is it related to the title of the unit? Do you watch this show? Do you know any other famous TV familiesT T: What page is pic 3 from? What else can you see on p. What time do you get up in the morning? Flnd the page numbers for... Ask questions to check understanding. Answer Key A diary p. Whose diary is this? How are the pictures related to the title of the unit? How can you tell it is a poem? Do you know any poems or rhymesT etc A famous footboller p. Which team does he play for? Do you know any other footballers in the same team? What is your favourite English footboll team? Vocabulary o Ptay the recording. Ss listen and repeat. Ask different Ss to say the words in their language. Eticit what the text is about. Ask: l{ho's diary is it? How old is she? Who are the people in the pictures? A: her mum B: her dad etc r Atlow some time for Ss to read the text sitently and answer the questions. Hetp Ss with pronunciation and intonation if necessary. Exptain any unknown words. Ask Ss to look at the exampte given for the word cool in the Learning to learn box. Eticit the information the dictionary entry provides. Ask several Ss to tell you the meaning of the words. Walk around the class and monitor Ss. Say: I can write. Write the sentence on the board. Point to a 5 and say: You can write. Wnte it on the board. Repeat the same to present atl persons in the affirmative. Eticit from Ss that can is the same in the singular and plural. Write it on the board. Point to a 5 and say: You can't drive. Then write it on the board. Repeat the same to present all persons in the singular and plural negative. Point out that the full form of can't is cannot. Ask: Con I drive? Then write it on the board. Ask: Can I drive? Elicit answer: No, you con't. Write it on the board. Eticit answer: Yes, you con. Write it on the board. Elicit form of short answers No + subject pronoun + can't or Yes + subject pronoun + can. Ask Ss to find examples of the affirmative and negative forms in the diary. Atlow some time for Ss to work on their own and comptete the task. Ss write one sentence about themselves using can and can't. Ss ctose their books. Point to a female S and say: Ihis is her pencil - lt's the girl's pencil. Point to a mate 5 and say: This is his schoolbag - It's the boy's schoolbag. Write these phrases on the board and underline the 's. Now point to several female Ss and say: Ihese are their books - They are the girls' books. Draw Ss' attention to the position of the apostrophe. Then write: These are the men's pens. Write on the board: Whose pen is fhis? Ss open their books. Read out the table. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference Section for more information. Focus 5s' attention on the famity tree. Ask a pair of Ss to read the examptes. Walk around and monitor 5s. Ask several pairs of Ss to ask and answer questions about the other family members in front of the class. Eticit what a diary shoutd took tike colourful, interesting, with pictures etc , what language style should be used friendly , what Ss shoutd write about fomily members, their names, ages, what they can dolcan't do. Tett Ss that they should use the diary on p. Ss work on their own making a plan for their diary. Watk around the class and monitor Ss. Eticit answers and atlow some time for Ss to browse through the units and check. Suggested Answer Key I think the module is obout onimals living in different parts of the world. Suggested Answer Key Focus 5s'attention on pic. T: What page is pic. S1: lt's f rom p. T: What can you see in pic. T: What else do you see in pic. They all live on ice. T: What can you tell me about the wolf? T: What can you tell me about the snowy owl? It's got small eyes. T: What poge is pic. What else can you see on p. Have you got a pet? T: What page is pic. What else can you see on p. Find the page numbers for... Ask questions to check understanding. Answer Key A quiz: p. Whot animals con you see on p. What is the title of the unit? How do you think the pictures are related to the title? Have you been to a zoo? What else can you see on p. A fact file: p. What is this one about? What do you know about bees? Vocabulary o Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat. Ask different Ss to tetl you the parts of the body in their language. Ask Ss to name as many animats as they can. Write them on the board lion, tiger, elephant etc. Ask Ss to scan the text to find information. Initiate a discussion by asking specific questions. T: Look at the chameleon and tell me what you know about it. S1: lt's a small animal. T: Whot else can you tell me about it? T: What about the seohorse? Ss listen, follow the lines and answer the questions. Watk around and monitor the activity, hetping if necessary. Present the adverbs of frequency. Say out loud and write on the board I usually watch TV in the evening. Undertine usually and eticit that it's an adverb indicating frequency, i. Draw Ss' attention to the verb form fottowing usually and elicit that it is in the present simpte tense. Point out that we normally use the present simpte with the adverbs of frequency. Ss open their books. Refer Ss to the sentences and eticit that adverbs of frequency are put after the verb 'to be' but before any other verb in a sentence. Prompt Ss with questions: Which adverb do you think means less frequent, - sometimes or oftenT. Now which do you think is less frequent , often or usually? Now complete the table. Ss comptete the tabte. Extension: Encourage Ss to use them to talk about their own habits and daity routines. I: What do you usually do at the weekend? S: I usually meet my friends. Ask Ss to tetl you if they know which sentences are true and which are false. Ptay the recording again if necessary. Ask different Ss to report their answers. Ask them to correct the fatse statements using the correct adverb of frequency. Eticit various activities Ss do during the week and write them on the board. Allow some time for 5s to write 5 sentences about themselves using each of the adverbs of frequency. Ask different Ss to read their sentences to the ctass. Crocodiles can't move their tongues. Seahorses can change colour to protect themselves from their enemies. Ask Ss to try to explain them guessing their meaning from context. Atternatively, Ss look up the words in the Word List. Ask Ss to choose two words and make sentences using them. T: Now ask the person next to you one of the questions. How often do you go swimming? I always go swimming in the summer. How often do you work on your computer? I always work on my computer in the afternoon. How often do you play football? I usually go to the cinema on Saturdoys. I often go to parties. I am never late for school. GRAldlrtAR: Unit 15 TEACHER'S RESOURCE PACK: Module 5 Exs. Crocodiles ore very dangerous. Other animals: lion, zebra, elephant etc. Eticit names of various witd animals. Remind Ss that finding simitarities between the two languages, either in spelling or pronunciation of words that have the same meaning, hetps Ss remember the words more easily. Ask different Ss to read the quiz and the questions. Exptain any unknown words. Gftm To consotidate new vocabutary and test 5s'memory o Attow some time for Ss to scan the text again. Suggested Answer Key T What do you remember from the text? T: ls that true or false? They live for twenty years. The second S says a word to continue the sentence and so on until the sentence is comptete. Reindeers 56: hsve etc 50 T 4 Gftm To present question words through a matching task and check understanding through translation o Ss ctose their books. Write atl the question words on the board. Give an example for each question word and explain when each word is used. Who is that man? They're in your bag. Because I can't find my bag. Give Ss prompts and ask them to give you the corresponding question word, as in the exampte. Prompts: at schoot, Peter, on Monday, twice a week, 7:30, at the cinema, a pencit etc. T: school 51: Where T: Peter 52: Who, etc. Atlow some time for 5s to match the question words to the answers. Answer Key 6 Gftm To practise asking and answering wh- questions o Ask a pair of Ss to read and answer the example question. Explain that Ss can look at the quiz on p. Go around and monitor the Ss. What do they look like? They have got thick fur, strong legs and a black nose. How tall are they? They are about 2. What do they weigh? They weigh about 250-770 kilograms. What can they do very well? They swim very well. What do they eat? They eat seals and whales. How long do they live? They live 15-18 years. Check Ss' answers on the board. Answer Key penguin What does it weigh? Ss listen and fitt in the blanks. Ptay the recording again if necessary. Ptay the recording again, pausing after each answer to atlow 5s time to check their work. Answer Key 1 Park 3 Christmas 5 lions 2 10 4 12. Suggested Answer Key White sharks live in tropical and warm seas. They've got sharp teeth and pointed fins. They're 3-6 metres long and weigh about 1200 kilos. They eat all kinds of fish. They live 30-40 years. Gftm To use question words to make questions using correct word order o Altow some time for Ss to comptete the task and eticit answers from different Ss. Answer Key 1 Where do you live? { --- Warm up Activity Read out the titte. Elicit the names of various kinds of pets. Ask Ss to say the pets in Ex. Ss listen and match the sounds to the animats. Eticit which word is the adjective, which is the subject, which is the verb. Point out that the adjective always goes after the verb 'to be' in a sentence. Now write on the board the sentence: I have got a black dog. Go through the Learning to learn box with Ss. Read the two sentences together with Ss. Eticit the adjectives in each sentence yellow, cute. Ss do the task. Answer Key Adjectives come before nouns. Adjectives come after the verb 'to be'. Answer Key 1 My dog is brown. Stimutate discussion by prompting 5s to say what they think it is. Ask Ss to justify their answers. T: Do you think it is a cat? T: What else can you see? T: So what animal is it? Alternativety, ptay the recording. Ss listen, fotlow the lines and find out if their answers are correct. Ask different Ss to read the text atoud. Answer Key 1 Whipper is a budgie. He's got long, curly feathers. Attow 5s some time to prepare their answers. Suggested Answer Key l've got a wonderful little dog. Her name is Dolly and she's over a year and a half old. She's got big eyes, small ears and short legs. She can run fast and she can swim. She swims really well! To write an articte about your pet for your school magazine o Explain the task. Point out that in articles we need to use lots of adjectives to make our writing more interesting. Draw Ss' attention to the article in Ex. Encourage them to think of two or three adjectives.
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